Understand spoken language

Thank the pixabay photo supplier

Submitted by admin on 31 March 2016

If you use a photo from pixabay, please firstly click the "Like" button for the photo! 

Please also add on pixabay a comment thanking the person who has provided the particular photo. We get high quality photos which people have provided for free, and the least we can do is thank them for their work. Suggestions of things to include:

  • thanks: this is the main thing, simply because it is nice to be thanked and have appreciation
  • say why you particularly chose their photo over all the others (often clarity of illustration of the word is the reason). You know the reason why you chose the one you did, and it's nice for them to know that reason.
  • include a link to the Lingopolo page where the photo is: it is nice for them to know how/where the photos are being used

Examples of pages where thanks have been added:

And finally, the following examples show just how much people appreciate the thanks and the link:

There are some photos which have simply been copied from public domain sources, in which case the user will be listed as PublicDomainPictures. In that case, there is nobody to appreciate thanks, but notheless, it is still worth adding a link stating where it is used for the reasons of SEO and helping Lingopolo to be accidentally discovered, e.g: