Andersens Sproken en vertellingen Learn Unstarted Literal Breakdown Recording English Dutch Learn The ugly young duckling Het lelijke jonge eendje Learn The Princess and the Pea De prinses op de erwt Learn The Little Match Girl (story) Het Lucifersmeisje (verhaal) Learn Summary The Dutch translation for “Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales” is Andersens Sproken en vertellingen. The Dutch, Andersens Sproken en vertellingen, can be broken down into 3 parts:"The ugly young duckling" (Het lelijke jonge eendje), "The Princess and the Pea" (De prinses op de erwt) and "The Little Match Girl (story)" (Het Lucifersmeisje (verhaal)). Practice Lesson "Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales" Practice (327) Lesson Learn Lesson words no etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A chirp was heard, and all the animals of the eggs came alive and stuck their heads out of the egg shells., A great hunt was held; the hunters lay around the swamp; yes, some sat up in the branches of the trees, which stretched far over the reed., A second one was struck against the wall; it gave light, and where it shone against the wall, it went as transparent as a veil, she could see into the room., A single match would do her good, if she would dare to take one from a box, strike it against the wall to warm her fingers., A well-mannered duckling puts its feet outwards, just like its mother and father do., After saying this, she grabbed it and stroked its feathers smooth., All the windows were brightly lit, and it smelled wonderfully of goose roast; because it was New Years Eve., and as soon as they were out of his sight, he dived under the water until the bottom, and when he rose again he was almost beside himself with excitement, and before he well knew how it had happened, he found himself in a large garden, in which fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the water, and drink some swamp water, And from the trees appeared suddenly three beautiful white swans, And immediately an old duck flew to the poor beast and bit it in the neck, And now all the little ducks hurried, as much as they could, and they emerged from the eggs and looked everywhere under the green leaves; and the mother let them look, as much as they wanted; because green is good for the eyes., and on the hedge sat a raven and made her complain, And she lit all the matches in the box, for she wished to keep her grandmother with her., And so it stayed motionless, while the hail whirled through the reeds and one shot after another banged, and so the duckling was allowed to remain on trial for three weeks, And so the duckling went away, And so they went to the duck cage., And so they were as good as home. etc. View all lesson phrases Acknowledgements Audio Google text-to-speech