Understand spoken Dutch

"and before he well knew how it had happened, he found himself in a large garden, in which fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the water" in Dutch

en voordat het beest het recht wist, bevond het zich in een grote tuin, waarin de vlierbomen geurden en hun lange, groene takken tot in het water neerbogen


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “and before he well knew how it had happened, he found himself in a large garden, in which fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the water” is en voordat het beest het recht wist, bevond het zich in een grote tuin, waarin de vlierbomen geurden en hun lange, groene takken tot in het water neerbogen. The Dutch, en voordat het beest het recht wist, bevond het zich in een grote tuin, waarin de vlierbomen geurden en hun lange, groene takken tot in het water neerbogen, can be broken down into 27 parts:"and" (en), "before; in advance of the time when" (voordat), "the (neutral)" (het), "beast" (beest), "it" (het), "straight" (recht), "knew (singular)" (wist), "found" (bevond), "it" (het), "himself; herself; itself" (zich), "in" (in), "a; an" (een), "large; big (long form)" (grote), "garden" (tuin), "in which" (waarin), "the" (de), "elder trees" (vlierbomen), "and" (en), "their" (hun), "long (long form)" (lange), "green (long form)" (groene), "branches" (takken), "until; to" (tot), "in" (in), "the (neutral)" (het), "water" (water) and "bend down" (neerbogen).

Examples of "and before he well knew how it had happened, he found himself in a large garden, in which fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the water" in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "and before he well knew how it had happened, he found himself in a large garden, in which fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the water" being used:

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