toen Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “then; when” is toen. Examples of "then; when" in use There are 33 examples of the Dutch word for "then; when" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn when I went to the bathroom toen ik naar de badkamer ging Learn when we had the idea toen we het idee hadden Learn that village from back then, it’s gone dat dorp van toen, het is voorbij Learn when we started toen we begonnen Learn when I was on my father’s garden path toen ik langs het tuinpad van m’n vader Learn She got married when she was twenty-five. Ze is getrouwd toen ze 25 was. Learn and then twenty more feather-down quilts on the mattresses en toen nog twintig donzen bedden op de matrassen Learn The driver went berserk when he couldn’t find his keys. De chauffeur ging door het lint toen hij zijn sleutels niet kon vinden. Learn and as soon as they were out of his sight, he dived under the water until the bottom, and when he rose again he was almost beside himself with excitement en zodra deze niet meer te zien waren, dook het onder tot op de grond en toen het weer boven kwam, was het als buiten zich zelf Learn how simply they lived back then wat leefden ze eenvoudig toen Learn Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "then; when" Practice (34) Lesson Learn Lesson words then; when etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases and as soon as they were out of his sight, he dived under the water until the bottom, and when he rose again he was almost beside himself with excitement, And then another bang was heard., and then twenty more feather-down quilts on the mattresses, First later on the day it became quiet; but the poor duckling did not dare to get up yet; it waited several hours more, before it turned around, and then it rushed out of the swamp as fast as it could., He let out a cry of delight when he saw them., how simply they lived back then, It lay in the swamp among the reeds when the sun began to shine warmly again., It lay there for two whole days; then two wild geese or, rather said, gannets came to him; it was not that long ago that they hatched from the egg, and that is why they were so overconfident., It was a warm, bright flame, like a light, as she held her hands over it;, One evening, just as the sun set amid radiant clouds, there came a large flock of beautiful birds out of the forest, She cried for joy when she heard that her son had survived the plane crash., She got married when she was twenty-five., She went berserk when she heard that her flight was canceled., that village from back then, it’s gone, The dew evaporated when the sun rose., The driver went berserk when he couldn’t find his keys., The little creature had lost them when she rushed across the street, because of two carriages running by, at a terribly high speed., The woman clapped her hands together, which made him fly first into the butter churn, and then into the meal-tub, then he realized with horror that someone was sponging his forehead, Then we knew it was ammonia and we got out as quickly as possible. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 11 Part of Speech Courses Adverbs 3 Conjunctions 1