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Understand spoken Dutch
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Understand spoken Dutch
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"small (long form)" Practice Lesson
"small (long form)" Practice Dutch lesson
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small (long form)
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A number of Brussels taxi associations today left the Brussels inner ring paralysed.
a small car
a small deviation to the left
a sweet little black cat
A tiny spark may become a great flame.
And now all the little ducks hurried, as much as they could, and they emerged from the eggs and looked everywhere under the green leaves; and the mother let them look, as much as they wanted; because green is good for the eyes.
Better a small boss than a big servant.
In his luggage, the investigators found besides a small camera and a revolver also a Kalashnikov and a cap.
It shone towards the little girl, as if she was sitting at a large iron stove.
She took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards, towards the brightness and joy far above the earth, endlessly high.
Shivering with cold and hunger, the poor little girl crept along as the picture of pitty and misery.
So now the little girl was walking barefoot, her feet were now red and blue from the cold.
the little car
The little creature had lost them when she rushed across the street, because of two carriages running by, at a terribly high speed.
The little girl stretched out her feet to warm them as well
The little green owl has the best language school I know.
The little one stretched both of her hands towards it: and then, the match went out.
The New Year's sun rose and shone upon a little corpse.
their sharp little fists
this little ceremony
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