toe Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “towards” is toe. Examples of "towards" in use There are 26 examples of the Dutch word for "towards" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn He often attributes his failures to bad luck. Hij schrijft zijn mislukkingen vaak toe aan pech. Learn It lay there for two whole days; then two wild geese or, rather said, gannets came to him; it was not that long ago that they hatched from the egg, and that is why they were so overconfident. Zo lag het twee hele dagen; toen kwamen er twee wilde ganzen of, liever gezegd, genten naar hem toe; het was nog niet lang geleden, dat zij uit het ei gekropen waren, en daarom waren zij zo overmoedig. Learn Would you like to contribute to this? Wens je hier je steentje toe bij te dragen? Learn He turned his back on me when I needed him most. Hij keerde me de rug toe wanneer ik hem het meeste nodig had. Learn Do not give in to your passions and desires, as happens to people who do not know God. Geef niet toe aan uw hartstochten en begeerten, zoals gebeurt bij mensen die God niet kennen. Learn you oversee the completion of milestones and the correct implementation of responsibilities and resource activities je ziet toe op de voltooiing van mijlpalen en de juiste uitvoering van verantwoordelijkheden en resource-activiteiten Learn Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Practice Lesson "towards" Practice (27) Lesson Learn Lesson words towards etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Add a little milk., Allow me to introduce my wife to you., And immediately an old duck flew to the poor beast and bit it in the neck, But that doesn’t matter!, Do not give in to your passions and desires, as happens to people who do not know God., Fans have so far offered $ 600,000 to be able to sit down at the table with the third-richest man in the world., He often attributes his failures to bad luck., He turned his back on me when I needed him most., He went there in person., Her little feet she had drawn under her, I am satisfied with my career so far., I will fly towards them, towards those royal birds!, It doesn’t matter to be hatched by a duck, as long as you came out of a swan’s egg!, It lay there for two whole days; then two wild geese or, rather said, gannets came to him; it was not that long ago that they hatched from the egg, and that is why they were so overconfident., It rushed into the water, plunged in and swam towards the beautiful swans, It shone towards the little girl, as if she was sitting at a large iron stove., ran to their parents, the goose jumped off the plate, waddled across the floor, with a knife and fork in its breast, and came towards the little girl., The issue of a minimum wage has never led anywhere., The mother of the ducklings went to the canal with her entire family. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 13 Part of Speech Courses Adverbs 3 Acknowledgements Audio Domien De Groot