Understand spoken Dutch

"The mother of the ducklings went to the canal with her entire family." in Dutch

De moeder der eendjes ging met haar hele familie naar de gracht toe.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The mother of the ducklings went to the canal with her entire family.” is De moeder der eendjes ging met haar hele familie naar de gracht toe.. The Dutch, De moeder der eendjes ging met haar hele familie naar de gracht toe., can be broken down into 13 parts:"the" (de), "mother" (moeder), "of the (archaic)" (der), "ducklings" (eendjes), "went (singular)" (ging), "with (accompanying)" (met), "her" (haar), "whole" (hele), "family" (familie), "to; for" (naar), "the" (de), "canal" (gracht) and "towards" (toe).

Examples of "The mother of the ducklings went to the canal with her entire family." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "The mother of the ducklings went to the canal with her entire family." being used:

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