die Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “who (conjunction)” is die. Pronounced the same Recording English Dutch Learn those die Learn these die Learn that die Learn See also Recording English Dutch Learn who wie Learn Examples of "who" in use There are 43 examples of the Dutch word for "who" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Tom is the only one in our group who knows how to start a fire without matches. Tom is de enige in onze groep die weet hoe hij vuur moet maken zonder lucifers. Learn Tom has three children who are doctors. Tom heeft drie kinderen die dokter zijn. Learn Not everyone who lives here is rich. Niet iedereen die hier woont, is rijk. Learn It was a princess who stood outside in front of the gate. Het was een prinses, die buiten voor de poort stond. Learn Keep your decency and bow to the old duck that you see there. Houdt je fatsoen en maak een buiging voor de oude eend, die je daar ziet. Learn Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but it had to be a real princess. Er was eens een prins, die met een prinses wilde trouwen; maar het moest een echte prinses zijn. Learn Tom is the one responsible. Tom is degene die verantwoordelijk is. Learn I’m the one who got beaten up. Ik ben degene die in elkaar geslagen werd. Learn “Well there, how are you?” an old duck asked, who came to visit her. “Wel zo, hoe gaat het?” vroeg een oude eend, die haar eens een bezoek kwam brengen. Learn In that way other airlines are grabbed by the short and curlies. Op die manier worden andere luchtvaartmaatschappijen in de tang genomen. Learn Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "who (conjunction)" Practice (44) Lesson Learn Lesson words who (conjunction) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A memory is an experience from the past that is stored in memory., A tray full of things that looked horribly similar to human nails., And our princess who along with King Philip followed the match in from the stand, was totally freaking out., And the tomcat, whom she called her son, could arch his back and purr; he even gave sparks, but then one had to stroke his hair the wrong direction., But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them, Do not give in to your passions and desires, as happens to people who do not know God., Gert has always pushed away from himself the business side., How did you know Tom and Mary were the ones who stole your saxophone?, I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but to unify., In that way other airlines are grabbed by the short and curlies., In the middle of this there was a duck in her nest, who had to hatch her young; but it almost bored her, it took so long, before the ducklings hatched., Is there someone I can call for you?, It was a princess who stood outside in front of the gate., It’s better to be killed by them, than being bitten by the ducks, pecked by the chickens, kicked by the maiden who feeds the chickens, or starved with hunger in the winter., I’m the one who got beaten up., Keep your decency and bow to the old duck that you see there., Much to the dismay of the unions at the airport, which spoilt the Irish budget airline party with a demonstration., Near here in another swamp are some nice wild geese, all ladies, who, like you, can say “quack!”., Not everyone who lives here is rich., Now he traveled all over the world to find such a one, but all he saw lacked something. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 10 Part of Speech Courses Pronouns 4 Conjunctions 1