Understand spoken Dutch

Online Dutch Lessons

All of our lessons are divided into easy-to-use categories. You can study in whichever way you prefer; by thematic lesson such as colours or animals, by particular parts of speech such as nouns or verbs or even by our complete global collection of vocabulary and phrases. Click on one of the lessons below to get started in learning to understand and speak Dutch!

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Global Dutch Lessons

Lesson Name Words & Phrases Quiz Learn


Lesson Name Words & Phrases Quiz Learn
"Some children came running into the garden..." Practice
"Look, that’s the way the world is now! (paragraph)" Practice
"The meniscus is not a bone. It is a cartilage, a flexible, elastic tissue." Practice
"All of my brothers and sisters were born in Boston. I was born in Chicago." Practice
"Piff! Paff! (paragraph)" Practice
"But in the corner (paragraph)" Practice
"“Grandmother!” shouted the little one. (paragraph)" Practice
"A second one was struck against the wall (paragraph)" Practice
"Her little hands were almost completely frozen from cold (paragraph)" Practice
"In a corner formed by two houses (paragraph)" Practice
"The snowflakes covered her long blond hair (paragraph)" Practice
"It was very cold (paragraph)" Practice
"Keep your decency and bow to the old duck..." Practice
"Look, that’s how it is in the world now! (paragraph)" Practice
"It’s not raining. It’s snowing." Practice
"Tom isn’t smoking a cigar. He’s smoking a pipe." Practice
"In it he saw his own image; no longer that of a cumbersome, grey, ugly bird, but of a swan." Practice
"The bus stop (dialogue)" Practice
"His tongue hung out of his mouth, and his eyes shot flames; he just stretched towards the duckling, showed his sharp teeth and ..." Practice
"It truly did not think to marry; if only it could get the permit to lie in the reeds and drink some swamp water." Practice