Understand spoken Dutch

"And the tomcat, whom she called her son, could arch his back and purr; he even gave sparks, but then one had to stroke his hair the wrong direction." in Dutch

En de kater, die zij haar zoontje noemde, kon een hoge rug zetten en spinnen; hij gaf zelfs vonken van zich, maar dan moest men zijn haar de verkeerde kant opstrijken.

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “And the tomcat, whom she called her son, could arch his back and purr; he even gave sparks, but then one had to stroke his hair the wrong direction.” is En de kater, die zij haar zoontje noemde, kon een hoge rug zetten en spinnen; hij gaf zelfs vonken van zich, maar dan moest men zijn haar de verkeerde kant opstrijken.. The Dutch, En de kater, die zij haar zoontje noemde, kon een hoge rug zetten en spinnen; hij gaf zelfs vonken van zich, maar dan moest men zijn haar de verkeerde kant opstrijken., can be broken down into 31 parts:"and" (en), "the" (de), "tomcat" (kater), "who (conjunction)" (die), "she" (zij), "her" (haar), "little boy" (zoontje), "named" (noemde), "could (singular)" (kon), "a; an" (een), "high (long form)" (hoge), "back" (rug), "to brace yourself (part 1)" (zetten), "and" (en), "to purr" (spinnen), "he" (hij), "gave" (gaf), "even" (zelfs), "sparks" (vonken), "from" (van), "himself; herself; itself" (zich), "but" (maar), "then" (dan), "had to (singular)" (moest), "one (pronoun)" (men), "its" (zijn), "hair" (haar), "the" (de), "wrong (long form)" (verkeerde), "side" (kant) and "to iron on" (opstrijken).

Examples of "And the tomcat, whom she called her son, could arch his back and purr; he even gave sparks, but then one had to stroke his hair the wrong direction." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "And the tomcat, whom she called her son, could arch his back and purr; he even gave sparks, but then one had to stroke his hair the wrong direction." being used:

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