Understand spoken Dutch

"But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them" in Dutch

Maar zij zullen mij doden, omdat ik, die zo lelijk ben, mij in hun nabijheid durf wagen

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them” is Maar zij zullen mij doden, omdat ik, die zo lelijk ben, mij in hun nabijheid durf wagen. The Dutch, Maar zij zullen mij doden, omdat ik, die zo lelijk ben, mij in hun nabijheid durf wagen, can be broken down into 17 parts:"but" (maar), "they" (zij), "will (plural)" (zullen), "me (emphatic)" (mij), "to kill" (doden), "because; for" (omdat), "I" (ik), "who (conjunction)" (die), "so" (zo), "ugly" (lelijk), "am" (ben), "me (emphatic)" (mij), "in" (in), "their" (hun), "closeness" (nabijheid), "dare (1st person singular)" (durf) and "to venture" (wagen).

Examples of "But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them" in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them" being used:

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