naar Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “to; for” is naar. Examples of "to; for" in use There are 150 examples of the Dutch word for "to; for" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn He walks to the classroom. Hij loopt naar het klaslokaal. Learn He went there in person. Hij ging er persoonlijk naar toe. Learn They want to lure customers to the store. Ze willen klanten naar de winkel lokken. Learn Her little feet she had drawn under her Haar voetjes had zij naar zich toe getrokken Learn he stretched his snout straight towards the duckling hij strekte zijn snoet juist naar het eendje uit Learn The truck made a sharp turn to the left. De vrachtwagen nam een scherpe bocht naar links. Learn Tom went to church with his parents every Sunday. Tom ging iedere zondag met zijn ouders naar de kerk. Learn The room was so dark that we had to feel our way to the door. De kamer was zo donker dat we op de tast naar de deur moesten gaan. Learn Lights were shining from every window, and there was a savory smell of roast goose, Al de ramen waren helder verlicht, en het rook heerlijk naar ganzengebraad Learn I don’t mind your groping in the dark for a solution, but I wish you’d come to a decision. Het maakt mij niet uit dat je in het donker tast naar een oplossing, maar ik zou willen dat je tot een besluit zou komen. Learn Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 … Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "to; for" Practice (151) Lesson Learn Lesson words to; for etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases a small deviation to the left, A stray cat came into our garden., A ticket to London please., All the political parties put the idea in the waste-paper basket., All the windows were brightly lit, and it smelled wonderfully of goose roast; because it was New Years Eve., Although he was sick, he still went to school., Although it rained, we went outside., An accommodation ladder is a walkway with railings to a ship., And immediately an old duck flew to the poor beast and bit it in the neck, And now all the little ducks hurried, as much as they could, and they emerged from the eggs and looked everywhere under the green leaves; and the mother let them look, as much as they wanted; because green is good for the eyes., And so they went to the duck cage., Are you going to Australia?, ask the tomcat about it, At four o’clock we are going to the swimming pool., Bert walks up to a bus stop and sees another traveler standing there., but now she became colder, but she didn't dare to go home, Can you move the appointment to tomorrow?, Emerging markets are tumbling down., Europeans are increasingly craving a healthy diet., for her old grandmother, the only one who had ever loved her, and who had now passed away, had told her that when a star falls, a soul was going up to God. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 3 Part of Speech Courses Prepositions 1