snelde Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “rushed” is snelde. Examples of "rushed" in use There are 5 examples of the Dutch word for "rushed" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn It rushed into the water, plunged in and swam towards the beautiful swans En het snelde naar het water, plofte er in en zwom naar de prachtige zwanen toe Learn One slipper was nowhere to be found, and the other one was taken by a boy who ran off with it. De ene pantoffel was niet weer te vinden, en de andere had een jongen opgeraapt en snelde er mee weg. Learn One slipper could not be found again, and the other a boy had picked and ran away with it. De eene pantoffel was niet weer te vinden, en de andere had een jongen opgeraapt en snelde er mee weg. Learn The little creature had lost them when she rushed across the street, because of two carriages running by, at a terribly high speed. De kleine echter verloor deze, toen zij over de straat heen snelde, omdat er twee rijtuigen verschrikkelijk hard voorbijreden. Learn First later on the day it became quiet; but the poor duckling did not dare to get up yet; it waited several hours more, before it turned around, and then it rushed out of the swamp as fast as it could. Eerst laat op de dag werd het stil; maar het arme eendje durfde nog niet opstaan; het wachtte nog verscheidene uren, voordat het omkeek, en toen snelde het uit het moeras weg, zo vlug als het maar kon. Learn Practice Lesson "rushed" Practice (5) Lesson Learn Lesson words rushed etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases First later on the day it became quiet; but the poor duckling did not dare to get up yet; it waited several hours more, before it turned around, and then it rushed out of the swamp as fast as it could., It rushed into the water, plunged in and swam towards the beautiful swans, One slipper was nowhere to be found, and the other one was taken by a boy who ran off with it., The little creature had lost them when she rushed across the street, because of two carriages running by, at a terribly high speed. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 59 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (past participle) 1