omdat Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “because; for” is omdat. Examples of "because; for" in use There are 12 examples of the Dutch word for "because; for" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should. Het is niet omdat je het kunt, dat het ook moet. Learn it was sad because it looked ugly and was mocked by everyone else het was treurig, omdat het er lelijk uitzag en door al de anderen bespot werd Learn “That’s because I’m so ugly,” thought the duckling, closing the eyes for a moment and then walked on. “Dat komt, omdat ik zo lelijk ben,” dacht het eendje, kneep de ogen even dicht en liep toen weer voort. Learn It’s because we’re in a hurry. Het is omdat we haast hebben. Learn But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them Maar zij zullen mij doden, omdat ik, die zo lelijk ben, mij in hun nabijheid durf wagen Learn Now they realized that she was a real princess, because she had felt the pea through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather-down quilts. Nu merkten zij, dat zij een echte prinses was, omdat zij door de twintig matrassen en de twintig donzen bedden heen de erwt gevoeld had. Learn The little creature had lost them when she rushed across the street, because of two carriages running by, at a terribly high speed. De kleine echter verloor deze, toen zij over de straat heen snelde, omdat er twee rijtuigen verschrikkelijk hard voorbijreden. Learn They refuse to take a detour because it’s shorter. Ze weigeren een omweg te nemen omdat het korter is. Learn The horse had to get euthanized because it was crippled. Het paard moest geëuthanaseerd worden omdat het kreupel was. Learn A lot of women buy shoes one size too small, because they find them prettier. Veel vrouwen kopen schoenen een maat te klein, omdat ze dat mooier vinden. Learn Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "because; for" Practice (10) Lesson Learn Lesson words because; for etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A lot of women buy shoes one size too small, because they find them prettier., But they will kill me, because I, who am so ugly, dare to approach them, it was sad because it looked ugly and was mocked by everyone else, It’s because we’re in a hurry., Now they realized that she was a real princess, because she had felt the pea through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather-down quilts., The little creature had lost them when she rushed across the street, because of two carriages running by, at a terribly high speed., They refuse to take a detour because it’s shorter., This is a fantastic city because we embrace each other’s differences., “That’s because I’m so ugly,” thought the duckling, closing the eyes for a moment and then walked on. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 30 Part of Speech Courses Conjunctions 2 Acknowledgements Audio Domien De Groot