die Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “that” is die. Pronounced the same Recording English Dutch Learn these die Learn those die Learn who (conjunction) die Learn See also Recording English Dutch Learn that dat Learn Examples of "that" in use There are 82 examples of the Dutch word for "that" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn So now the little girl was walking barefoot, her feet were now red and blue from the cold. Daar liep nu het kleine meisje op blote voeten, die rood en blauw van de kou waren. Learn The construction project has uncovered a historical wall that was hidden for a long time. Het bouwproject heeft een historische muur blootgelegd die lang verborgen was. Learn They all look exactly like their father; but that rascal doesn’t even come to visit me. Zij lijken allemaal precies op hun vader; maar die ondeugd komt mij niet eens bezoeken. Learn That pear is green. Die peer is groen. Learn that very rich jellyfish die heel rijke kwal Learn That helmet saved your life. Die helm heeft je leven gered. Learn a cart that rattles on the cobblestones een kar die ratelt op de keien Learn a branch that was as thick as a python een tak die zo dik was als een python Learn That moped isn’t mine. Die bromfiets is niet van mij. Learn Tom was assigned that task. Tom kreeg die taak toegewezen. Learn Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "that" Practice (43) Lesson Learn Lesson words that etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases a branch that was as thick as a python, a cart that rattles on the cobblestones, A guardrail is a barrier placed next to roads., A pole is a stick used to jump over objects., A semi-trailer is a trailer that does not have its own front axle and of which an important part of the weight rests on the towing vehicle (the tractor)., A torch is a stick that gives light by means of fire., but she had poor eyesight, and therefore she thought, that this duckling must be a fat duck, who had got lost, But to tell all the distress and misery the duckling had to endure in that harsh winter would be too dire., Do you know anybody who works in that building?, Does he deserve that role?, Every adult I know drinks beer., for her old grandmother, the only one who had ever loved her, and who had now passed away, had told her that when a star falls, a soul was going up to God., For that reason we will not include you in the remainder of the application process., He knew that Dumbledore would immediately see through that excuse., He now felt so glad at all the suffering and hardships which he had undergone., Here’s a list of things that Tom needs to do., In a corner formed by two houses, one of which protruded a little more than the other, she squatted down., in the territories occupied by Israel, In this way, the victim support service is systematically involved., Inside there was a terrible noise; because there were two families disputing each other’s possession of an eel head, and finally the cat still got it. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 6 Part of Speech Courses Conjunctions 1