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Recent Additions

Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn


11 years 1 month ago
to announce


11 years 1 month ago
to resign

ontslag nemen

11 years 1 month ago
the area

het gebied

11 years 1 month ago
the expansion

de uitbreiding

11 years 1 month ago
the settlement

de nederzetting

11 years 1 month ago
to challenge


11 years 1 month ago
ample; generous


11 years 1 month ago
the tax

de accijns

11 years 1 month ago
the eel

de paling

11 years 1 month ago
the experience

de ervaring

11 years 1 month ago
the environment

de omgeving

11 years 1 month ago
to fluctuate


11 years 1 month ago
the prayer

het gebed

11 years 1 month ago
the opportunity

de gelegenheid

11 years 1 month ago
the mediation

de bemiddeling

11 years 1 month ago
to take hostage


11 years 1 month ago
the misery

de ellende

11 years 1 month ago
the training

de opleiding

11 years 1 month ago
the scarcity

de schaarste

11 years 1 month ago
the lead

de voorsprong

11 years 1 month ago
to eliminate


11 years 1 month ago
confused; mixed-up

in de war

11 years 1 month ago
the oath

de eed

11 years 1 month ago
the rush

de stormloop

11 years 1 month ago
the license; the permit

de vergunning

11 years 1 month ago
the moped (The Netherlands)

de snorfiets

11 years 1 month ago
the turnover

de omzet

11 years 1 month ago
to deposit


11 years 1 month ago
to demolish


11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago
the kidney

de nier

11 years 1 month ago
the tornado

de windhoos

11 years 1 month ago
the countryman

de landgenoot

11 years 1 month ago
the state; the condition

de toestand

11 years 1 month ago
the challenge

de uitdaging

11 years 1 month ago
the ally

de bondgenoot

11 years 1 month ago
unnecessary; superfluous


11 years 1 month ago
the riot

de rel

11 years 1 month ago
the trigger

de trekker

11 years 1 month ago