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Recording English Dutch Time ago created Learn
meticulously follow all aspects: progress, workload, risks, quality, budget, etc.

minitieus alle aspecten opvolgen: voortgang, workload, risico’s, kwaliteit, budget, enz.

11 years 1 month ago
this must also be prepared in Dutch

deze moet eveneens in het Nederlands opgesteld zijn

11 years 1 month ago
When someone is struck by lightning, similar phenomena occur as in electrocution.

Als iemand door de bliksem wordt getroffen treden vergelijkbare verschijnselen op als bij elektrocutie.

11 years 1 month ago
murder suspect makes a confession

verdachte moord doet bekentenissen

11 years 1 month ago
the confession

de bekentenis

11 years 1 month ago
the warning

de waarschuwing

11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago
to change


11 years 1 month ago
an increase in tinnitus

een toename van oorsuizen

11 years 1 month ago
the ringing ears; the tinnitus

het oorsuizen

11 years 1 month ago
the increase

de toename

11 years 1 month ago
Berlusconi: conviction is completely unfounded

Berlusconi: veroordeling is totaal ongegrond

11 years 1 month ago
the movement

de beweging

11 years 1 month ago
the mini settlement

de minnelijke schikking

11 years 1 month ago
the arrangement; the settlement

de schikking

11 years 1 month ago
the conviction

de veroordeling

11 years 1 month ago
the commuter

de pendelaar

11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago
the ray

de rog

11 years 1 month ago
to disappoint


11 years 1 month ago
the government agency

de overheidsinstelling

11 years 1 month ago
the reminder

de aanmaning

11 years 1 month ago
the clarification

de opheldering

11 years 1 month ago
to take into account


11 years 1 month ago
the scallywag

de rakker

11 years 1 month ago
the salvage

de berging

11 years 1 month ago
the sympathy; the condolences

het medeleven

11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago
to observe


11 years 1 month ago
to smell


11 years 1 month ago
the forest fires are raging

de bosbranden woeden

11 years 1 month ago
the subsidence

de grondverzakking

11 years 1 month ago
the heptathlon

de zevenkamp

11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago
the transfer

de overdracht

11 years 1 month ago
to draw up; to draft


11 years 1 month ago


11 years 1 month ago
the skills; the abilities

de vaardigheden

11 years 1 month ago