Understand spoken language


Now added a "Thai" column to the dictionary

Submitted by Hugh on 31 January 2013

Now I have begun to add the Thai script to each word, I have now added a "Thai" column to the Thai dictionary.  What you will notice from the screenshot below is that at the moment many of the words (in fact most of the words) do not currently have the Thai added.  That's my next job, to add the Thai script to each word.  Every word has got a recording of the Thai, but now I need to add the Thai script to each word...

Words now with Thai script!

Submitted by Hugh on 30 January 2013

I had resisted having any Thai script on the site; mostly because I wanted to keep the site focussed on the aural-oral approach, but also because I don't yet read Thai, so it wasn't useful for me.  And since I'm the main user of the site, I decided I wanted to focus on other things: quantity of vocabulary and phrases, and functionality of the website itself (i.e. how the website technically interacts with the user).  Well, now I'm learning to read Thai, I decided that the website would be better with the Thai transcription for each word.

Thai alphabet lesson

Submitted by Hugh on 27 January 2013

After six months of learning Thai using only a listening and speaking approach (aural-oral), I decided that it was more and more necessary to learn to read Thai.  My principal aim is still to learn to understand and speak Thai (rather than to read it and write it), but I was beginning to feel frustration sometimes that I could not read some of the material that might help me to understand and speak.  So, this week, I made the decision that I would now make the effort to learn to read Thai.

Thai dialogues also given the Literal breakdown column treatment

Submitted by Hugh on 21 January 2013

In the Index of Thai dialogues I have now added a "Literal breakdown" column, similar to the one I have just added for the index of Thai phrases.  Here the phrases in the breakdown have been arranged in an unordered list for clarity, rather than in a single row.  The adding of the dialogue breakdown makes this index much more easy to use, since it is clear at a glance what each dialogue contains.

Literal breakdown column in dictionary of Thai phrases

Submitted by Hugh on 21 January 2013

I'm pleased to have now added in the Dictionary of Thai phrases a column which shows the literal breakdown on a given phrase.  This was already available when you went into the phrase, but it is a lot more convenient to be able to see it at a glance in the table.  It also helps me to see  more clearly which phrases still need to have the literal breakdown added or finished!