The main content type is the "French word (Machine name: thai_word)" content type. Note that the language name will change depending on which version of the site. Note, however, that the machine name remains "thai_word" regardless of the language version of the site; yes, I know it'd be great to change it, maybe one day.
This single content type is used equally for words/phrase/dialogues, e.g. :
- a syllable (this is rarely used)
- a word such as dog
- a phrase such as I have a dog which is called Noushka.
- a dialogue such as Didier’s dog
Each of things is done with the "word" content type, with simply the recording type taxonomy term affecting things like whether the item appears in the dictionary of dialogues or not.
The content type contains the basic things of each word/phrase/dialogue, for example:
- English title (e.g. "dog")
- French title (e.g. "chien")
- audio file (e.g. recording of "chien")
- an image