Verb forms
All present tense forms (e.g. for the verb to be: "suis", "es", "est", "sommes", "êtes", "sont") should be linked to the infinitive in one "see also" set.
All other tense forms should be linked to the infinitive with a "see also". This can be a series of one-to-one "see also" links. e.g. "sois" <--> "être", and "était" <--> "être". The idea is that the verb infinitive has a link to all other forms of that verb, and that from any form of the verb, you can know and get to the infinitive easily.
The English part of present tense verbs pages should include both present simple and continuous forms.
For example, the English equivalent of "mange" is "eat; am eating". The English for "acceptons" is "accept; are accepting (1st person plural)".
Compound verb forms such as "a mangé" or "suis parti" should be treated as phrases composed of two separate verbs, and broken down as such.
For example, "il est entré dans un café" is broken down as:
- il
- est
- entré
- dans
- un
- café