Understand spoken language

Do not add the same word in relation fields twice

Submitted by admin on 30 June 2021

When adding relations like "Pronounced the same" and "See also" it is tempting to add related words which are pronounced the same way in both sections. However, you should not do this. It doesn't help the student to see the same word linked to twice. Indeed it just clutters the page.

No, if a word is already listed in "Pronounced the same", then you should NOT also list it under "See also". It is enough for it to appear once.

For example, the word "med" in Croatian is pronounced the same as "med (accusative)" in Croatian. However, it is wrong to link as below:

Two links to the same word

It is enough to link just once to the related word, in this case using the "Pronounced the same" field. The student will understand that they can "See also" the word referenced:

Linked only once