te vinden Learn Unstarted Literal Breakdown Recording English Dutch Learn to te Learn to find vinden Learn Summary The Dutch translation for “to find (long form)” is te vinden. The Dutch, te vinden, can be broken down into 2 parts:"to" (te) and "to find" (vinden). Examples of "to find" in use There are 5 examples of the Dutch word for "to find" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Tom’s house was easy to find. Tom zijn huis was gemakkelijk te vinden. Learn It was impossible to find a laptop with the two connections. Het was onmogelijk om een laptop met de twee aansluitingen te vinden. Learn One slipper was nowhere to be found, and the other one was taken by a boy who ran off with it. De ene pantoffel was niet weer te vinden, en de andere had een jongen opgeraapt en snelde er mee weg. Learn Now he traveled all over the world to find such a one, but all he saw lacked something. Nu reisde hij de hele wereld rond, om zo één te vinden, maar aan allen, die hij zag, ontbrak wat. Learn One slipper could not be found again, and the other a boy had picked and ran away with it. De eene pantoffel was niet weer te vinden, en de andere had een jongen opgeraapt en snelde er mee weg. Learn Practice Lesson "to find (long form)" Practice (7) Lesson Learn Lesson words to, to find etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases It was impossible to find a laptop with the two connections., Now he traveled all over the world to find such a one, but all he saw lacked something., One slipper was nowhere to be found, and the other one was taken by a boy who ran off with it., to find (long form), Tom’s house was easy to find. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 38 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (infinitives) 4 Verbs (all parts) 11 Acknowledgements Audio voice156