gestolen Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “stolen” is gestolen. Examples of "stolen" in use There are 3 examples of the Dutch word for "stolen" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn I’ve never stolen anything. Ik heb nog nooit iets gestolen. Learn Now the prince took her to be his wife; because now he knew that he had a real princess, and the pea was placed in the cabinet of rarities, in which it can still be seen, if at least no one has stolen it. Nu nam de prins haar tot vrouw; want nu wist hij, dat hij een echte prinses bezat, en de erwt kwam in het kabinet van zeldzaamheden, waarin zij nog te zien is, als niemand haar ten minste gestolen heeft. Learn How did you know Tom and Mary were the ones who stole your saxophone? Hoe wist je dat Tom en Mary degenen waren die je saxofoon hadden gestolen? Learn Practice Lesson "stolen" Practice (4) Lesson Learn Lesson words stolen etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases How did you know Tom and Mary were the ones who stole your saxophone?, I’ve never stolen anything., Now the prince took her to be his wife; because now he knew that he had a real princess, and the pea was placed in the cabinet of rarities, in which it can still be seen, if at least no one has stolen it. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 149 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (all parts) 36 Verbs (past participle) 4 Acknowledgements Audio voice156