Understand spoken Dutch

"How did you know Tom and Mary were the ones who stole your saxophone?" in Dutch

Hoe wist je dat Tom en Mary degenen waren die je saxofoon hadden gestolen?

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “How did you know Tom and Mary were the ones who stole your saxophone?” is Hoe wist je dat Tom en Mary degenen waren die je saxofoon hadden gestolen?. The Dutch, Hoe wist je dat Tom en Mary degenen waren die je saxofoon hadden gestolen?, can be broken down into 14 parts:"how" (hoe), "knew (singular)" (wist), "you (singular)" (je), "that" (dat), "Tom (boy’s name)" (Tom), "and" (en), "Mary" (Mary), "the ones" (degenen), "were" (waren), "who (conjunction)" (die), "your (informal; short form)" (je), "saxophone" (saxofoon), "had (plural)" (hadden) and "stolen" (gestolen).

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