’t Learn Unstarted Literal Breakdown Recording English Dutch Learn it het Learn Notes This abbreviation is never pronounced on its own. We therefore pronounce it here as the full form "het". Summary The Dutch translation for “it (abbreviation)” is ’t. The Dutch, ’t, can be broken down into 1 parts:"it" (het). Examples of "it (abbreviation)" in use There are 5 examples of the Dutch word for "it (abbreviation)" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn ’Tis true. ’t Is waar. Learn I was a kid and didn’t know any better than that it would never pass ik was een kind en wist niet beter dan dat ’t nooit voorbij zou gaan Learn It was happy that the door was open and that it could slip out among the bushes into the newly fallen snow. ’t Was gelukkig, dat de deur openstond en dat het tussen de takken in de vers gevallen sneeuw kon sluipen Learn It’s better to be killed by them, than being bitten by the ducks, pecked by the chickens, kicked by the maiden who feeds the chickens, or starved with hunger in the winter. ’t Is beter, door hen gedood, dan door de eenden gebeten, door de kippen gepikt, door de meid, die aan de kippen eten geeft, geschopt te worden en in de winter gebrek te lijden! Learn It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. ’t Is lood om oud ijzer. Learn Practice Lesson "it (abbreviation)" Practice (7) Lesson Learn Lesson words it, it (abbreviation) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases I was a kid and didn’t know any better than that it would never pass, It was happy that the door was open and that it could slip out among the bushes into the newly fallen snow., It’s better to be killed by them, than being bitten by the ducks, pecked by the chickens, kicked by the maiden who feeds the chickens, or starved with hunger in the winter., It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other., ’Tis true. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 1 Part of Speech Courses Pronouns 1