feit Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “fact” is feit. Examples of "fact" in use There are 3 examples of the Dutch word for "fact" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn an existing fact een bestaand feit Learn We would like to draw attention to the fact that there is no definitive data yet. We willen de aandacht vestigen op het feit dat er nog geen definitieve gegevens zijn. Learn This is confirmed by the fact that most accidents do not happen when braking or maneuvering, but when accelerating. Dit wordt bevestigd door het feit dat de meeste ongevallen niet gebeuren bij het remmen of manoeuvreren, maar bij het optrekken. Learn Practice Lesson "fact" Practice (4) Lesson Learn Lesson words fact etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases an existing fact, This is confirmed by the fact that most accidents do not happen when braking or maneuvering, but when accelerating., We would like to draw attention to the fact that there is no definitive data yet. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 167 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 129 Acknowledgements Audio Google text-to-speech