Understand spoken Dutch

"the (neutral)" Practice Dutch lesson

Dutch (long form). The Dutch for "Dutch (long form)" is "het Nederlands".
The fodder; the cattle feed. The Dutch for "the fodder; the cattle feed" is "het veevoeder".
The forest. The Dutch for "the forest" is "het bos".
The animal. The Dutch for "the animal" is "het dier".
The stag; the deer. The Dutch for "the stag; the deer" is "het hert".
The pet. The Dutch for "the pet" is "het huisdier".
The appartment. The Dutch for "the appartment" is "het appartement".
The profession. The Dutch for "the profession" is "het beroep".
The west. The Dutch for "the west" is "het westen".
The meat. The Dutch for "the meat" is "het vlees".
The fire. The Dutch for "the fire" is "het vuur".
The light. The Dutch for "the light" is "het licht".
The terrace. The Dutch for "the terrace" is "het terras".
The roof. The Dutch for "the roof" is "het dak".
The book. The Dutch for "the book" is "het boek".
The weather. The Dutch for "the weather" is "het weer".
The game. The Dutch for "the game" is "het spel".
The product. The Dutch for "the product" is "het product".
The banner; flag. The Dutch for "the banner; flag" is "het vaandel".
The noise. The Dutch for "the noise" is "het lawaai".

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