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The hairdresser is putting gel in my hair.

La coiffeuse me met du gel dans les cheveux.

8 years 3 months ago
a gel

un gel

8 years 3 months ago
the gel

le gel

8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago
she puts

elle met

8 years 3 months ago
puts; is putting


8 years 3 months ago
The hairdresser did my hair very well.

La coiffeuse m’a très bien coiffé.

8 years 3 months ago
Before it’s possible to carry on it is necessary to solve this problem.

Avant de pouvoir continuer il faut résoudre ce problème.

8 years 3 months ago
it is necessary to solve this problem

il faut résoudre ce problème

8 years 3 months ago
before it’s possible to carry on

avant de pouvoir continuer

8 years 3 months ago
the work; the piece of work


8 years 3 months ago
The work of Bizet is very famous.

L’œuvre de Bizet est très célèbre.

8 years 3 months ago
Bizet (French composer)


8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago
impressive (feminine)


8 years 3 months ago
Tom’s stamp collection is impressive.

La collection de timbres de Tom est impressionnante.

8 years 3 months ago
head; boss


8 years 3 months ago
The Prime Minister is the head of the French government.

Le Premier ministre est le chef du Gouvernement français.

8 years 3 months ago
He must leave now, otherwise he will be late.

Il doit partir maintenant, sinon il sera en retard.

8 years 3 months ago
He will be late.

Il sera en retard.

8 years 3 months ago
He must leave now.

Il doit partir maintenant.

8 years 3 months ago
He’s not frank at all.

Il n’est pas du tout franc.

8 years 3 months ago
He lies a lot.

Il ment beaucoup.

8 years 3 months ago
He lies a lot; he’s not frank at all.

Il ment beaucoup ; il n’est pas du tout franc.

8 years 3 months ago
smells; is smelling


8 years 3 months ago
It can’t be very fresh any more.

Il ne doit plus être très frais.

8 years 3 months ago
This fish smells bad.

Ce poisson sent mauvais.

8 years 3 months ago
This fish smells bad; it’s probably not very fresh anymore.

Ce poisson sent mauvais ; il ne doit plus être très frais.

8 years 3 months ago
combed; styled (masculine singular)


8 years 3 months ago
She’s not a sportswoman at all.

Elle n’est pas du tout sportive.

8 years 3 months ago
This girl is too weak.

Cette fille est trop molle.

8 years 3 months ago
This girl is too weak; she’s not a sportsperson at all!

Cette fille est trop molle ; elle n’est pas du tout sportive !

8 years 3 months ago
It’s too soft.

Il est trop mou.

8 years 3 months ago
I don’t like this cake.

Je n’aime pas ce gâteau.

8 years 3 months ago
I don’t like this cake; it’s too soft.

Je n’aime pas ce gâteau ; il est trop mou.

8 years 3 months ago
not too strong

pas trop fort

8 years 3 months ago
She likes her coffee weak.

Elle aime son café léger.

8 years 3 months ago
She likes her coffee weak, not too strong.

Elle aime son café léger, pas trop fort.

8 years 3 months ago
She’s worried because she thinks she’s going to miss her train.

Elle est inquiète parce qu’elle pense qu’elle va rater son train.

8 years 3 months ago
He is very worried because of his upcoming exams.

Il est très inquiet à cause de ses examens à venir.

8 years 3 months ago