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to happen

se passer

8 years 2 months ago
feels himself; is feeling himself

se sent

8 years 2 months ago
a coffee table

une table basse

8 years 2 months ago
will have (3rd person singular)


8 years 2 months ago
subject; topic


8 years 2 months ago


8 years 2 months ago
The cake won’t taste good.

Le gâteau ne sera pas bon.

8 years 2 months ago
coffee table

table basse

8 years 2 months ago
him (for emphasis)


8 years 2 months ago
her (indirect object)


8 years 2 months ago
him (indirect object)


8 years 2 months ago
She thinks her holidays are too short.

Elle trouve que ses congés sont trop courts.

8 years 2 months ago
This flower smells nice.

Cette fleur sent bon.

8 years 2 months ago
She has short hair.

Elle a des cheveux courts.

8 years 2 months ago
This coat is made of fake fur.

Ce manteau est en fausse fourrure.

8 years 2 months ago
a painting

un tableau

8 years 2 months ago


8 years 2 months ago
This painting is a fake.

Ce tableau est un faux.

8 years 2 months ago
This is not a funny film.

Ce n’est pas un film comique.

8 years 2 months ago
The topic of this film is very serious.

Le sujet de ce film est très sérieux.

8 years 2 months ago
The topic of this film is very serious; this is not a funny film.

Le sujet de ce film est très sérieux ; ce n’est pas un film comique.

8 years 2 months ago
This decision will have a serious consequence.

Cette décision aura une conséquence sérieuse.

8 years 2 months ago
This newspaper is full of gossip.

Ce journal est plein de potins.

8 years 2 months ago


8 years 2 months ago
He lied to his electorate during his campaign.

Il a menti à ses électeurs pendant sa campagne.

8 years 2 months ago
Tom’s hair is very soft.

Les cheveux de Tom sont très doux.

8 years 2 months ago


8 years 2 months ago
This building was destroyed during the war.

Cet immeuble a été détruit pendant la guerre.

8 years 2 months ago
It was completely destroyed.

Il a été complètement détruit.

8 years 2 months ago
This polar bear’s fur is completely white.

La fourrure de cet ours polaire est toute blanche.

8 years 2 months ago


8 years 2 months ago
waits for him


8 years 2 months ago
waits; is waiting


8 years 2 months ago


8 years 2 months ago
mean (feminine plural)


8 years 2 months ago
to wipe; to dry


8 years 2 months ago
to wipe it; to dry it


8 years 2 months ago
a dairyman

un crémier

8 years 2 months ago
the dairyman

le crémier

8 years 2 months ago
This shoemaker also installs number plates.

Ce cordonnier pose aussi les plaques d’immatriculation.

8 years 2 months ago