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the rings

les bagues

8 years 4 months ago


8 years 4 months ago
he shows

il montre

8 years 4 months ago
shows; is showing


8 years 4 months ago
We need to go to the jeweller to choose our wedding rings.

Nous devons aller chez le bijoutier pour choisir nos alliances.

8 years 4 months ago
the wedding rings

les alliances

8 years 4 months ago
wedding rings


8 years 4 months ago
I will talk only in the presence of my lawyer.

Je ne parlerai qu’en présence de mon avocat.

8 years 4 months ago
a presence

une présence

8 years 4 months ago
the presence

la présence

8 years 4 months ago


8 years 4 months ago
She has walked a lot.

Elle a beaucoup marché.

8 years 4 months ago
Now her toes hurt.

Maintenant elle a mal aux orteils.

8 years 4 months ago
only in


8 years 4 months ago
will speak (1st person singular)


8 years 4 months ago
The assistant public prosecutor requests the acquittal.

L’avocat général demande l’acquittement.

8 years 4 months ago
an acquittal

un acquittement

8 years 4 months ago
the acquittal


8 years 4 months ago


8 years 4 months ago
he asks

il demande

8 years 4 months ago
asks; is asking


8 years 4 months ago
the advocate general

l’avocat général

8 years 4 months ago
an advocate general

un avocat général

8 years 4 months ago
advocate general

avocat général

8 years 4 months ago


8 years 4 months ago
The school monitor supervises students at boarding school.

L’assistant d’éducation surveille les élèves à l’internat.

8 years 4 months ago
a boarding school

un internat

8 years 4 months ago
the boarding school


8 years 4 months ago
boarding school


8 years 4 months ago
the pupils; the students

les élèves

8 years 4 months ago
pupils; students


8 years 4 months ago
The batter should be soft, otherwise the cake won’t taste good.

La pâte devrait être molle, sinon le gâteau ne sera pas bon.

8 years 4 months ago
Otherwise the cake won’t taste good.

Sinon le gâteau ne sera pas bon.

8 years 4 months ago
The batter should be soft.

La pâte devrait être molle.

8 years 4 months ago
should (3nd person singular)


8 years 4 months ago
He’s too limp; he should do more sport.

Il est trop mou ; il devrait faire plus de sport.

8 years 4 months ago
He’s too limp.

Il est trop mou.

8 years 4 months ago
He should do more sport.

Il devrait faire plus de sport.

8 years 4 months ago
The towel isn’t dry yet.

La serviette n’est pas encore sèche.

8 years 4 months ago
She’s too hot and would like a fresh drink.

Elle a trop chaud et voudrait une boisson fraiche.

8 years 4 months ago