Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
He has a lisp.

Il a un cheveu sur la langue.

8 years 3 months ago
He’s got a single white hair.

Il a un seul cheveu blanc.

8 years 3 months ago
This recipe is very easy to do.

Cette recette est très facile à faire.

8 years 3 months ago
the blanket of my bed isn’t thick enough

la couverture de mon lit n’est pas assez épaisse

8 years 3 months ago
so in winter I add an extra one

donc l’hiver j’en ajoute une deuxième

8 years 3 months ago
The blanket of my bed isn’t thick enough, so in winter I add an extra one.

La couverture de mon lit n’est pas assez épaisse, donc l’hiver j’en ajoute une deuxième.

8 years 3 months ago
before shaving

avant de se raser

8 years 3 months ago
He puts some cream on his face.

Il met de la crème sur son visage.

8 years 3 months ago
Before shaving, he puts some cream on his face.

Avant de se raser, il met de la crème sur son visage.

8 years 3 months ago
The turtle is swimming in the ocean.

La tortue marine nage dans l’océan.

8 years 3 months ago
The turtle is laying her eggs in the sand.

La tortue marine pond ses œufs dans le sable.

8 years 3 months ago
lays; is laying


8 years 3 months ago
a weakness

une faiblesse

8 years 3 months ago
the weakness

la faiblesse

8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago
at all

du tout

8 years 3 months ago
What are your brothers called?

Comment s’appellent tes frères ?

8 years 3 months ago
What are you sisters called?

Comment s’appellent tes sœurs ?

8 years 3 months ago
I will speak

je parlerai

8 years 3 months ago
I have to bring my sheets to the launderer.

Je dois porter mes draps chez le blanchisseur.

8 years 3 months ago
the sheets

les draps

8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago
games console

console de jeux

8 years 3 months ago
to buy (long form)


8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago
good (masculine plural)


8 years 3 months ago


8 years 3 months ago
He likes sharing good times with his friends.

Il aime partager de bons moments avec ses amis.

8 years 3 months ago
Crying isn’t a sign of weakness.

Pleurer n’est pas un signe de faiblesse.

8 years 3 months ago
He has a very high fever.

Il a une fièvre de cheval.

8 years 3 months ago
According to the accountant, the turnover is declining.

D’après le comptable, le chiffre d’affaires baisse.

8 years 3 months ago
he moves down

il baisse

8 years 3 months ago
moves down; is moving down


8 years 3 months ago
a turnover

un chiffre d’affaires

8 years 3 months ago
of business


8 years 3 months ago
the turnover

le chiffre d’affaires

8 years 3 months ago
turnover; revenue

chiffre d’affaires

8 years 3 months ago
because (before a vowel sound)

parce qu’

8 years 3 months ago
the business

les affaires

8 years 3 months ago