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Formula 1

Formule 1

7 years 11 months ago
the formula

la formule

7 years 11 months ago
a formula

une formule

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
Alain Prost

Alain Prost

7 years 11 months ago
Prost (surname)


7 years 11 months ago
Alain (boy’s name)


7 years 11 months ago
The pilot of this plane has a lot of flight hours.

Le pilote de cet avion a beaucoup d’heures de vol.

7 years 11 months ago
of hours


7 years 11 months ago
The optician offers a choice of very elegant frames.

L’opticienne propose un choix de montures très élégantes.

7 years 11 months ago
elegant (feminine, plural)


7 years 11 months ago
the frames

les montures

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
This optician offers a second pair of glasses for an extra euro.

Cet opticien propose une deuxième paire de lunettes pour un euro de plus.

7 years 11 months ago
the euro


7 years 11 months ago
a euro

un euro

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
the pair of glasses

la paire de lunettes

7 years 11 months ago
a pair of glasses

une paire de lunettes

7 years 11 months ago
pair of glasses

paire de lunettes

7 years 11 months ago
he offers; he proposes

il propose

7 years 11 months ago
offers; is offering; proposes; is proposing


7 years 11 months ago
The merchant doesn’t want to lower the price of his goods.

Le marchand ne veut pas baisser le prix de sa marchandise.

7 years 11 months ago
some goods

une marchandise

7 years 11 months ago
the merchandise

la marchandise

7 years 11 months ago
merchandise; goods


7 years 11 months ago
a merchant; a seller

un marchand

7 years 11 months ago
the merchant; the seller

le marchand

7 years 11 months ago
A magician never gives away the secret of his magic tricks.

Un magicien ne révèle jamais le secret de ses tours de magie.

7 years 11 months ago
magic tricks

tours de magie

7 years 11 months ago
the magic

la magie

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
the tricks

les tours

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
the secret

le secret

7 years 11 months ago
a secret

un secret

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
he reveals

il révèle

7 years 11 months ago
reveals; is revealing


7 years 11 months ago
a magician

un magicien

7 years 11 months ago