Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
gives; is giving


7 years 9 months ago


7 years 9 months ago
badly; poorly


7 years 9 months ago
The translator mistranslated this expression.

Le traducteur a mal traduit cette expression.

7 years 9 months ago
an expression

une expression

7 years 9 months ago
the expression


7 years 9 months ago


7 years 9 months ago
This translator translates from English to French.

Ce traducteur traduit de l’anglais au français.

7 years 9 months ago
a translator

un traducteur

7 years 9 months ago
the translator

le traducteur

7 years 9 months ago
he translates

il traduit

7 years 9 months ago
translates; is translating


7 years 9 months ago
aboriginal (singular)


7 years 9 months ago
the schoolyard

la cour d’école

7 years 9 months ago

cour d’école

7 years 9 months ago
A dry cleaner makes the stains disappear on clothes.

Un teinturier fait disparaitre les taches sur les vêtements.

7 years 9 months ago
the stains

les taches

7 years 9 months ago


7 years 9 months ago
to disappear


7 years 9 months ago
The dry cleaner is cleaning my costume.

Le teinturier nettoie mon costume.

7 years 9 months ago
he cleans

il nettoie

7 years 9 months ago
cleans; is cleaning


7 years 9 months ago
the dry cleaner

le teinturier

7 years 9 months ago
a dry cleaner

un teinturier

7 years 9 months ago
The waitress is bringing our aperitifs.

La serveuse apporte nos apéritifs.

7 years 9 months ago
the aperitifs

les apéritifs

7 years 9 months ago


7 years 9 months ago
she brings

elle apporte

7 years 9 months ago
brings; is bringing


7 years 9 months ago
This waitress receives many tips.

Cette serveuse reçoit de nombreux pourboires.

7 years 9 months ago
the tips

les pourboires

7 years 9 months ago


7 years 9 months ago
she receives

elle reçoit

7 years 9 months ago
receives; is receiving


7 years 9 months ago
The secretary manages the director’s schedule.

La secrétaire gère l’emploi du temps du directeur.

7 years 9 months ago
the director

le directeur

7 years 9 months ago
a director

un directeur

7 years 9 months ago
director; manager


7 years 9 months ago
the schedule

l’emploi du temps

7 years 9 months ago
a schedule

un emploi du temps

7 years 9 months ago