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the temperature

la température

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
The nurse sets up the drip.

L’infirmier pose la perfusion.

7 years 11 months ago
a perfusion; a drip

une perfusion

7 years 11 months ago
the drip; the perfusion

la perfusion

7 years 11 months ago
perfusion; drip


7 years 11 months ago
The guide knows very well the history of the castle.

Le guide connait très bien l’histoire du château.

7 years 11 months ago
The guide is showing us the most beautiful monuments of Paris.

Le guide nous fait visiter les plus beaux monuments de Paris.

7 years 11 months ago
the monuments

les monuments

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
The grocer of this neighbourhood stays open late at night.

L’épicier de ce quartier reste ouvert tard le soir.

7 years 11 months ago
a district; a neighbourhood

un quartier

7 years 11 months ago
the district; the neighbourhood

le quartier

7 years 11 months ago
district; neighbourhood


7 years 11 months ago
This grocer sells an excellent caviar.

Cet épicier vend un excellent caviar.

7 years 11 months ago
the caviar

le caviar

7 years 11 months ago
caviar (full form)

un caviar

7 years 11 months ago


7 years 11 months ago
a grocer

un épicier

7 years 11 months ago
This company hired three employees last year.

Cette entreprise a embauché trois employés l’an dernier.

7 years 11 months ago
last year

l’an dernier

7 years 11 months ago
the year (short form)


7 years 11 months ago
hired (masculine singular)


7 years 11 months ago
the business; the company


7 years 11 months ago
a business; a company

une entreprise

7 years 11 months ago
business; company


7 years 11 months ago
The employees ask for the payment of overtime.

Les employés demandent le paiement des heures supplémentaires.

8 years ago

heures supplémentaires

8 years ago
additional (plural)


8 years ago
a payment

un paiement

8 years ago
the payment

le paiement

8 years ago


8 years ago
they ask

ils demandent

8 years ago
ask; are asking (3rd person plural)


8 years ago
the employees

les employés

8 years ago
isn’t (short form)


8 years ago
sick leave

arrêt maladie

8 years ago
the illness

la maladie

8 years ago
an illness

une maladie

8 years ago
Ormesson (town)


8 years ago