Understand spoken French

"The merchant doesn’t want to lower the price of his goods." in French

Le marchand ne veut pas baisser le prix de sa marchandise.

Literal Breakdown


The French translation for “The merchant doesn’t want to lower the price of his goods.” is Le marchand ne veut pas baisser le prix de sa marchandise.. The French, Le marchand ne veut pas baisser le prix de sa marchandise., can be broken down into 11 parts:"the (masculine)" (le), "merchant; seller" (marchand), "not (part 1)" (ne), "wants; is wanting" (veut), "not (part 2)" (pas), "to lean down; to move down" (baisser), "the (masculine)" (le), "price" (prix), "from" (de), "his; her (feminine singular)" (sa) and "merchandise; goods" (marchandise).

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