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castor; wheel


7 years 7 months ago
I shop.

Je fais du shopping.

7 years 7 months ago
to shop

faire du shopping

7 years 7 months ago
shop (1st person singular)

fais du shopping

7 years 7 months ago
He has a great collection of videos.

Il a une grande collection de vidéos.

7 years 7 months ago
I watch videos.

Je regarde des vidéos.

7 years 7 months ago
some videos

des vidéos

7 years 7 months ago


7 years 7 months ago
I see friends.

Je vois des amis.

7 years 7 months ago
I watch television.

Je regarde la télévision.

7 years 7 months ago
I arrive at school.

J’arrive à l’école.

7 years 7 months ago
I arrive


7 years 7 months ago
I have lunch.

Je déjeune.

7 years 7 months ago
have lunch; am having lunch


7 years 7 months ago
Tomorrow, I have lunch with my mother.

Demain, je déjeune avec ma mère.

7 years 7 months ago
I play with my friends.

Je joue avec mes amis.

7 years 7 months ago
Create the file on the hard drive.

Crée le fichier sur le disque dur.

7 years 7 months ago
It’s an audio file.

C’est un fichier audio.

7 years 7 months ago
I’m listening to an audio tape.

J’écoute une cassette audio.

7 years 7 months ago
I’m watching a video tape.

Je regarde une cassette vidéo.

7 years 7 months ago
audio tape

cassette audio

7 years 7 months ago
video tape

cassette vidéo

7 years 7 months ago
I play computer games.

Je joue aux jeux vidéo.

7 years 7 months ago
video games

jeux vidéo

7 years 7 months ago
the file

le fichier

7 years 7 months ago
a file

un fichier

7 years 7 months ago


7 years 7 months ago
the tape

la cassette

7 years 7 months ago
a tape

une cassette

7 years 7 months ago


7 years 7 months ago


7 years 7 months ago


7 years 7 months ago
I’m reading a very interesting novel.

Je lis un roman très intéressant.

7 years 8 months ago
I read.

Je lis.

7 years 8 months ago
read; am reading


7 years 8 months ago
She’s putting the children to bed.

Elle va coucher les enfants.

7 years 8 months ago
I go to bed.

Je vais me coucher.

7 years 8 months ago
to put to bed


7 years 8 months ago
Every Tuesday evening, I have supper at the restaurant.

Le mardi soir, je dine au restaurant.

7 years 8 months ago
I have supper.

Je dine.

7 years 8 months ago