Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
have supper; am having supper


7 years 8 months ago
arrive; am arriving


7 years 8 months ago
I have breakfast.

Je prends mon petit-déjeuner.

7 years 8 months ago
I get dressed.

Je m’habille.

7 years 8 months ago
dress myself


7 years 8 months ago
I dress


7 years 8 months ago
dress; am dressing


7 years 8 months ago
I wash.

Je me lave.

7 years 8 months ago
I get up.

Je me lève.

7 years 8 months ago
get up (1st person singular)

me lève

7 years 8 months ago
I raise

je lève

7 years 8 months ago
raise; am raising; rise; am rising


7 years 8 months ago
I wake up.

Je me réveille.

7 years 9 months ago
wake myself up (1st person singular)

me réveille

7 years 9 months ago
wake up (1st person singular)


7 years 9 months ago
I swear it’s not me who ate all the cake, it’s him!

Je jure que ce n’est pas moi qui ai mangé tout le gâteau, c’est lui !

7 years 9 months ago
It’s him!

C’est lui !

7 years 9 months ago
I swear

je jure

7 years 9 months ago
swear; am swearing


7 years 9 months ago
I swear it’s not me who ate all the cake!

Je jure que ce n’est pas moi qui ai mangé tout le gâteau !

7 years 9 months ago
I know that Carmen speaks Spanish very well; I’m therefore going to ask her to help me revise before going on holiday in Spain.

Je sais que Carmen parle très bien espagnol ; je vais donc lui demander de m’aider à réviser avant de partir en vacances en Espagne.

7 years 9 months ago
before going on holiday in Spain

avant de partir en vacances en Espagne

7 years 9 months ago
I’m therefore going to ask her to help me revise

je vais donc lui demander de m’aider à réviser

7 years 9 months ago
I know that Carmen speaks Spanish very well.

Je sais que Carmen parle très bien espagnol.

7 years 9 months ago
It’s Léa’s birthday tomorrow; I’m therefore going to give her a present.

C’est l’anniversaire de Léa demain ; je vais donc lui offrir un cadeau.

7 years 9 months ago
to offer


7 years 9 months ago
Australian (masculine plural)


7 years 9 months ago
aboriginal (plural)


7 years 9 months ago


7 years 9 months ago
I’m therefore going to give her a present.

Je vais donc lui offrir un cadeau.

7 years 9 months ago
It’s Léa’s birthday tomorrow.

C’est l’anniversaire de Léa demain.

7 years 9 months ago
to phone


7 years 9 months ago
if he


7 years 9 months ago
I need to call Pierre to ask him if he’s available tomorrow.

Je dois téléphoner à Pierre pour lui demander s’il est libre demain.

7 years 9 months ago
to pay a visit

rendre visite

7 years 9 months ago
to give back


7 years 9 months ago
Pierre is in hospital; I am therefore going to visit him there.

Pierre est à l’hôpital ; je vais donc lui rendre visite là-bas.

7 years 9 months ago
You have to ask the price of this chair from a seller.

Tu dois demander le prix de ce fauteuil à une vendeuse.

7 years 9 months ago
The seller gives information on this product.

Le vendeur donne des renseignements sur ce produit.

7 years 9 months ago
he gives

il donne

7 years 9 months ago