met Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “with (accompanying)” is met. See also Recording English Dutch Learn with bij Learn Examples of "with" in use There are 286 examples of the Dutch word for "with" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Tasseography is nowadays treated with a lot of skepticism. Tasseografie wordt tegenwoordig met veel scepsis bejegend. Learn Monday will be a changeable and turbulent day with showers. Maandag wordt een wisselvallige en onstuimige dag met buien. Learn At the same time the country is struggling with massive air pollution. Tegelijkertijd worstelt het land met enorme luchtvervuiling. Learn You are not allowed to have sexual intercourse with your daughter-in-law. U mag geen geslachtsgemeenschap hebben met uw schoondochter. Learn Considerable amounts are involved in drug trafficking. Met de handel in verdovende middelen zijn aanzienlijke bedragen gemoeid. Learn A guitar is a stringed instrument that is played with the fingers or with a plectrum. Een gitaar is een snaarinstrument dat wordt bespeeld met de vingers of met een plectrum. Learn The organ is supported by red marble columns and embellished with countless decorations. Het orgel rust op rood marmeren zuilen en is verfraaid met talrijke versieringen. Learn Extortion is a special form of theft with violence and/or threats. Afpersing is een bijzondere vorm van diefstal met geweld en/of bedreigingen. Learn This study phase ends with the drafting of a brief project. Deze studiefase wordt afgesloten met het opstellen van een beknopt project. Learn “It’s too big!” they all said, and the turkey that had come into the world with spurs and therefore thought he was emperor, blew himself up like a ship with full sails and came up to him; then he clucked and his head turned bright red. “Het is te groot!” zeiden allen, en de kalkoense haan, die met sporen ter wereld gekomen was en daarom dacht, dat hij keizer was, blies zich op als een schip met volle zeilen en kwam op hem af; toen klokte hij en werd zijn kop vuurrood. Learn Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Current page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "with (accompanying)" Practice (286) Lesson Learn Lesson words with (accompanying) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases a cobbled street, A guitar is a stringed instrument that is played with the fingers or with a plectrum., a lemonade with freshly squeezed juice, a list of textbooks, a little guy with mouse-coloured hair, a long coat with pinstripe, a net with much finer mesh, a quiver with arrows, a stabbing with a utility knife, A tea with milk, please., A typical Greek pays only seven times a year with his bank card at the store., a white chicken with black speckles on her feathers, According to the on-board computer there is something wrong with my tyre pressure., Algeria has signed many economic agreements with China., An accommodation ladder is a walkway with railings to a ship., and on the sideboard with plastic roses, And our princess who along with King Philip followed the match in from the stand, was totally freaking out., and shouts along with beat music, And the matches were glowing so bright, brighter than at noon-day., And the swans swam around him and stroked him with their beaks. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 2 Part of Speech Courses Prepositions 1