zeer Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “very; greatly” is zeer. Examples of "very; greatly" in use There are 15 examples of the Dutch word for "very; greatly" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn I often write contributions for Wikipedia. Ik schrijf zeer dikwijls bijdragen voor Wikipedia. Learn This paper has very high absorbency. Dit papier heeft een zeer groot opslorpend vermogen. Learn Some religious people can be very judgemental. Sommige religieuze personen kunnen zeer veroordelend zijn. Learn The amount of arsenic in the water is minuscule but significant. De hoeveelheid arsenicum in het water is zeer gering, maar niet te verwaarlozen. Learn Much to the dismay of the unions at the airport, which spoilt the Irish budget airline party with a demonstration. Zeer tegen de zin van de vakbonden op de luchthaven, die het feestje van de Ierse budgetvlieger vergalden met een betoging. Learn Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Practice Lesson "very; greatly" Practice (10) Lesson Learn Lesson words very; greatly etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases He was a very wise, rich and powerful king., Her speech was full of wit., I was very annoyed that..., I’m just very tired and sleepy lately., Much to the dismay of the unions at the airport, which spoilt the Irish budget airline party with a demonstration., Some religious people can be very judgemental., some very precise protocols, This paper has very high absorbency., Tom is extremely rich. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 35 Part of Speech Courses Adverbs 7 Adjectives 7