Understand spoken Dutch

"They all look exactly like their father; but that rascal doesn’t even come to visit me." in Dutch

Zij lijken allemaal precies op hun vader; maar die ondeugd komt mij niet eens bezoeken.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “They all look exactly like their father; but that rascal doesn’t even come to visit me.” is Zij lijken allemaal precies op hun vader; maar die ondeugd komt mij niet eens bezoeken.. The Dutch, Zij lijken allemaal precies op hun vader; maar die ondeugd komt mij niet eens bezoeken., can be broken down into 15 parts:"they" (zij), "to appear" (lijken), "all; all of them" (allemaal), "exactly" (precies), "on" (op), "their" (hun), "father" (vader), "but" (maar), "that" (die), "rascal" (ondeugd), "come; comes (2nd and 3rd person singular)" (komt), "me (emphatic)" (mij), "not" (niet), "sometime; once" (eens) and "to visit" (bezoeken).

Examples of "They all look exactly like their father; but that rascal doesn’t even come to visit me." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "They all look exactly like their father; but that rascal doesn’t even come to visit me." being used:

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