zorgt Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “take care” is zorgt. Examples of "take care" in use There are 7 examples of the Dutch word for "take care" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn The gamekeeper takes care of the animals in the forest. De jachtopziener zorgt voor de dieren in het bos. Learn The innkeeper takes care of everything. De waard zorgt voor alles. Learn The guardian looks after the interests of the child. De voogd zorgt voor de belangen van het kind. Learn “Quack, quack! Come with me, then I will take you into the big world and introduce you in the duck cage: but keep close to me and watch out for the cat!“ “Kwak, kwak! Gaat maar met mij mee, dan zal ik je in de grote wereld brengen en je in de eendenkooi voorstellen: maar zorgt, dat je dicht in mijn nabijheid blijft, en neemt je voor de kat in acht!” Learn The powder puff ensures an even distribution of the powder. De poederdons zorgt voor een gelijkmatige verdeling van de poeder. Learn you take care of the preparation and presentation of investment proposals to senior management je zorgt voor de opmaak en presentatie van investeringsvoorstellen aan het senior management Learn you ensure that problems and obstacles are addressed to the right people outside the team je zorgt ervoor dat problemen en belemmeringen naar de juiste personen buiten het team geadresseerd worden Learn Practice Lesson "take care" Practice (8) Lesson Learn Lesson words take care etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases The gamekeeper takes care of the animals in the forest., The guardian looks after the interests of the child., The innkeeper takes care of everything., The powder puff ensures an even distribution of the powder., you ensure that problems and obstacles are addressed to the right people outside the team, you take care of the preparation and presentation of investment proposals to senior management, “Quack, quack! Come with me, then I will take you into the big world and introduce you in the duck cage: but keep close to me and watch out for the cat!“ etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 65 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (Present tense, 2nd person singular) 3 Verbs (all parts) 18 Acknowledgements Audio Leslie Van Ael