The Dutch translation for “pastures” is weiden.
Examples of "pastures" in use
There are 4 examples of the Dutch word for "pastures" being used:
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the pastures |
de weiden |
Around the cornfields and the pastures were vast forests, and in the middle of the forests deep lakes. |
Rondom de korenvelden en de weiden waren uitgestrekte bossen, en midden in de bossen diepe meren. |
It was summer, the corn was ripe, the hay stood on the green pastures and the stork was walking on its long, red legs and talking Egyptian; because he had learned this language from his mother. |
Het was zomer, het koren was rijp, het hooi stond op de groene weiden aan oppers, en de ooievaar liep op zijn lange, rode poten en praatte Egyptisch; want deze taal had hij van zijn moeder geleerd. |
It ran across fields and pastures; but there was such a violent storm that had trouble standing on its feet. |
Het liep over veld en weiden; maar er woei zulk een hevige storm, dat het werk had om op zijn poten te blijven staan. |