minder Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “less” is minder. Examples of "less" in use There are 11 examples of the Dutch word for "less" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn The more you drink, the less you eat. Hoe meer je drinkt, hoe minder je eet. Learn a little less please een beetje minder alstublieft Learn someone with less experience iemand met minder ervaring Learn Tom has less clothes than Mary. Tom heeft minder kleding dan Mary. Learn It is less boring. Het is minder saai. Learn Dialects are spoken less and less. Dialecten worden minder en minder gesproken. Learn Yesterday there was a Flemish education decree that includes no less than 4,488 pages. Gisteren kwam daar een besluit van het Vlaams onderwijs bij dat niet minder dan 4.488 pagina’s omvat. Learn less filling up leads to lower taxes minder tanken leidt tot lagere accijnzen Learn They noticed fewer fractures and head injuries. Ze stelden minder breuken en hoofdletsels vast. Learn Can you recommend a non-touristy restaurant? Kun je een minder toeristisch restaurant aanbevelen? Learn Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last » Practice Lesson "less" Practice (12) Lesson Learn Lesson words less etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases a little less please, Can you recommend a non-touristy restaurant?, Dialects are spoken less and less., It also appears that the economic crisis is this year giving the Flemish fewer worries, It is less boring., less filling up leads to lower taxes, someone with less experience, The more you drink, the less you eat., They noticed fewer fractures and head injuries., Tom has less clothes than Mary., Yesterday there was a Flemish education decree that includes no less than 4,488 pages. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 50 Part of Speech Courses Adverbs 8