Understand spoken Dutch

"“It is taking a long time with that egg,” said the duck, who was sitting on it again." in Dutch

“Het duurt geducht lang met dat ene ei,” zei de eend, die er nu weer op zat.


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for ““It is taking a long time with that egg,” said the duck, who was sitting on it again.” is “Het duurt geducht lang met dat ene ei,” zei de eend, die er nu weer op zat.. The Dutch, “Het duurt geducht lang met dat ene ei,” zei de eend, die er nu weer op zat., can be broken down into 17 parts:"it" (het), "continues" (duurt), "extremely" (geducht), "long" (lang), "with (accompanying)" (met), "that" (dat), "one (long form)" (ene), "egg" (ei), "said" (zei), "the" (de), "duck" (eend), "who (conjunction)" (die), "there" (er), "now" (nu), "again" (weer), "on" (op) and "sat" (zat).

Examples of "“It is taking a long time with that egg,” said the duck, who was sitting on it again." in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "“It is taking a long time with that egg,” said the duck, who was sitting on it again." being used:

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