haak Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “hook” is haak. Examples of "hook" in use There are 3 examples of the Dutch word for "hook" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn the hook de haak Learn There was always something that was a bit not quite right. Altijd was er iets, dat niet geheel in de haak was. Learn A clothes hanger is a piece of wood, metal or plastic, in the shape of the human shoulders and has a hook on the top. Een kledinghanger is een stuk hout, metaal of kunststof, in de vorm van de menselijke schouders en heeft een haak aan de bovenzijde. Learn Practice Lesson "hook" Practice (4) Lesson Learn Lesson words hook etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A clothes hanger is a piece of wood, metal or plastic, in the shape of the human shoulders and has a hook on the top., the hook, There was always something that was a bit not quite right. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 126 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 94 Acknowledgements Audio Leslie Van Ael