jongen Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “young ones” is jongen. Pronounced the same Recording English Dutch Learn boy jongen Learn Examples of "young ones" in use There are 4 examples of the Dutch word for "young ones" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn “The world is so big!” all the young ones said; because now they had much more space than in the egg. “Wat is de wereld toch groot!” zeiden al de jongen; want nu hadden zij heel wat meer plaats dan in het ei. Learn “I have also been fooled like that and it caused me a lot of work with my young ones, because they were afraid of the water.” “Ik ben ook eens zo beetgenomen en had toen heel wat werk met mijn jongen, want zij waren bang voor het water!” Learn In the middle of this there was a duck in her nest, who had to hatch her young; but it almost bored her, it took so long, before the ducklings hatched. Te midden hiervan zat in haar nest een eend, die haar jongen moest uitbroeden; maar het begon haar bijna te vervelen, zo lang duurde het, eer de jongen uitkwamen. Learn Marsupials have pouches to carry their young in. Buideldieren hebben buidels om hun jongen in te dragen. Learn Practice Lesson "young ones" Practice (5) Lesson Learn Lesson words young ones etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases In the middle of this there was a duck in her nest, who had to hatch her young; but it almost bored her, it took so long, before the ducklings hatched., Marsupials have pouches to carry their young in., “I have also been fooled like that and it caused me a lot of work with my young ones, because they were afraid of the water.”, “The world is so big!” all the young ones said; because now they had much more space than in the egg. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 76 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 47