daaraan Learn Unstarted Literal Breakdown Recording English Dutch Learn there (place) daar Learn to (direction) aan Learn Summary The Dutch translation for “to that” is daaraan. The Dutch, daaraan, can be broken down into 2 parts:"there (place)" (daar) and "to (direction)" (aan). Examples of "to that" in use There are 4 examples of the Dutch word for "to that" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn but she didn’t think about that maar daaraan dacht zij niet Learn Yes, that is what she was thinking about. Ja, daaraan dacht zij. Learn I tell you the truth, although you might find it unpleasant, but that is a proof of my friendship Ik zeg je de waarheid, al vind je dit ook niet prettig, en daaraan kan men zien, wie zijn ware vrienden zijn Learn A single match would do her good, if she would dare to take one from a box, strike it against the wall to warm her fingers. Één enkel lucifertje zou haar wel goed doen, als zij er maar één uit een doosje durfde nemen, dit tegen den muur afstrijken en zich de vingers daaraan warmen. Learn Practice Lesson "to that" Practice (7) Lesson Learn Lesson words there (place), to (direction) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases A single match would do her good, if she would dare to take one from a box, strike it against the wall to warm her fingers., but she didn’t think about that, I tell you the truth, although you might find it unpleasant, but that is a proof of my friendship, to that, Yes, that is what she was thinking about. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 8 Part of Speech Courses Adverbs 2