Daar werd er op de stadspoort geklopt, en de oude koning ging er heen, om haar open te doen.
Literal Breakdown
The Dutch translation for “There was a knock at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.” is Daar werd er op de stadspoort geklopt, en de oude koning ging er heen, om haar open te doen.. The Dutch, Daar werd er op de stadspoort geklopt, en de oude koning ging er heen, om haar open te doen., can be broken down into 18 parts:"there (place)" (daar), "was; became" (werd), "there" (er), "on" (op), "the" (de), "city gate" (stadspoort), "knocked" (geklopt), "and" (en), "the" (de), "old (long form)" (oude), "king" (koning), "went (singular)" (ging), "there" (er), "away" (heen), "in order to" (om), "her" (haar), "open" (open) and "to do (long form)" (te doen).Examples of "There was a knock at the city gate, and the old king went to open it." in use
There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "There was a knock at the city gate, and the old king went to open it." being used:Recording | English | Dutch | Learn |
The Princess and the Pea | De prinses op de erwt |
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