zeg Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “say” is zeg. Examples of "say" in use There are 5 examples of the Dutch word for "say" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Just say yes. Zeg gewoon ja. Learn I tell you the truth, although you might find it unpleasant, but that is a proof of my friendship Ik zeg je de waarheid, al vind je dit ook niet prettig, en daaraan kan men zien, wie zijn ware vrienden zijn Learn Don’t say anything to the international press. Zeg niets aan de buitenlandse pers. Learn Bend your neck and say: Quack! Buig je hals nu en zeg: Kwak! Learn How do you say ‘Hello’ in English? Hoe zeg je ‘hallo’ in het Engels? Learn Practice Lesson "say" Practice (5) Lesson Learn Lesson words say etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Bend your neck and say: Quack!, How do you say ‘Hello’ in English?, I tell you the truth, although you might find it unpleasant, but that is a proof of my friendship, Just say yes. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 63 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (Present tense, 2nd person singular) 3 Verbs (all parts) 18 Acknowledgements Audio Leslie Van Ael