budgetvlieger Learn Unstarted Summary The Dutch translation for “low-cost airline” is budgetvlieger. Examples of "low-cost airline" in use There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "low-cost airline" being used: Recording English Dutch Learn Much to the dismay of the unions at the airport, which spoilt the Irish budget airline party with a demonstration. Zeer tegen de zin van de vakbonden op de luchthaven, die het feestje van de Ierse budgetvlieger vergalden met een betoging. Learn Practice Lesson "low-cost airline" Practice (2) Lesson Learn Lesson words low-cost airline etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Much to the dismay of the unions at the airport, which spoilt the Irish budget airline party with a demonstration. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Travel 5 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 420 Acknowledgements Audio Leslie Van Ael